Hi! I've been neglecting this blog. I feel terrible! At least I have not been neglecting tot school. Here are a few photos and a recap of our last eight months! sorry!
The rest of April - writing board, beans, and Easter Tactile Tub. She loved finding the eggs and putting them in the carton. She was not as big of a fan of it on Easter morning!
Summer was really busy for us, as Ashley's dad and I finally got married. May and June and the first half of july was a blur of wedding prep and family coming in and out and cleaning and parties (Ashley turned 2!) and wedding!
After the wedding I was busy preparing not only to teach Ashley at home, but her older brother and sister as well. We began homeschooling this year! 1st and 4th grade, along with a toddler, makes things busy but fun! Only big sister (8th grade) is in public school.
I'm using Tot School ABC pages from 1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com. Most of them are a bit over Ashley's head at this point, but she likes to color and she has learned some shapes, all of her basic colors, some numbers and several letters since we started. In one of the pictures you can see her working on the letter A page. We started school on August 1st, but only for two hours a day, which left plenty of time for playing outside!
We had a great time at parks and playing in the water during the month of August!
September brought us to a more focused schedule for Ashley's siblings, so her work has been pretty basic, though consistent. We covered one letter per week and did various activities based on the letter. We also did as much outdoor play as we could while the weather stayed nice. Lucky for us it stayed warm for awhile.
October seemed to be the month where Ashley made the most progress. Potty training really took (though we're still working on it) She made her first faces on paper, stacked 16 blocks completely unaided, colored a ton, and started really talking. She loved Halloween and it was a beautiful day! The random picture of the dog in the snow is on Oct. 26. Lucky for us that cleared up by halloween, as you can see by the halloween picture outside by the tree!
November brought us cooler weather and fun art projects! Circles are really starting to look like circles. We still got outside as much as possible!
We only did school for the first part of december and I didn't really get any school work pictures. Ashley really started to get into pretend play. Here she is serving a meal to her stuffed bear, and also coloring with her. She also really got into playing in the snow, and learned to make and throw snowballs!
So that catches me up... See you in eight months! KIDDING!
We will be finishing our weekly alphabet (we are on "S" this week) and then doing some various themes for the rest of the school year. Hopefully I will do a better job with blogging it!
This post is linked up with Tot School over at 1+1+1=1. Check it out!
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